Overlooked baseboards and moldings can accumulate dust and grime, diminishing the appearance of your home. Our expert cleaning service ensures these areas are spotless, maintaining a fresh and tidy environment. Choose us for a meticulous clean that enhances your home's aesthetic and prevents landlord penalties.
Dirty baseboards and moldings are telltale signs of neglect that landlords notice and may charge to remedy. Baseboards and moldings often collect dust, dirt, and scuff marks, detracting from the overall cleanliness and appeal of your home. Our Baseboard and Molding Cleaning service is designed to restore these details to their original luster, ensuring a polished finish that enhances your living space. Baseboard and Molding Cleaning highlights
First time using their service, price is steeper compared to other companies, but the quality can’t be compared. Absolutely amazing. They brought their own equipments and cleaning supplies, every little corner is touched on without asking, even the curtains, glass windows, every single area she didn’t missed. great job guys!
Extremely professional and communicative service, that allows for a high degree of flexibility for unique projects. Not just limited to cleaning and moving, but also allowed for effective organizing of dynamically shifting nuances to our job (timelines, scope, moving locations, moving dates, number of trucks, number of worker, mix of final destinations). Even helped to organize delivery of donated goods up from Bangkok to Phitsanulok. There is a clear 'convenience tax' in terms of increased price here for effective English communication compared to other local options, but that is an investment in efficacy of job execution. Would (and will) book again.